Although summer officially begins later in June, many employees are already feeling the heat, adjusting their schedules to accommodate children who are out of school, and preparing for vacations. Your company can review and prepare for the season in four key areas: cool, rules, dress, and rest.
Keep Outdoor Workers Cool
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) online resource offers heat safety tips for companies and employees, including how to prevent heat illness, recommendations for outdoor workers, and what to do if a worker shows signs of heat illness.
Know and Follow the Rules
As we reviewed in previous HR Tips, summer is often a time for companies to utilize teen workers and unpaid interns. Before you hire, be clear on your requirements as an employer. Teen workers are restricted from hazardous jobs and on the amount of hours allowed. Unpaid interns must be the only party benefitting from the relationship. Except in specified circumstances laid out by the Department of Labor that allow it to be unpaid, internships are generally paid employment relationships.
Review Proper Dress
As the temperatures rise, so do hemlines. Use these HR Tips to review your company’s dress code and ensure that your policy allows for both comfort and propriety. Consider any safety needs for the workspace and the temperature and the impact those might have on the dress code, such as the need for closed-toed shoes or lighter clothing.
Give Time for Rest
Many employees take time for family vacations during the summer. Review and communicate your company’s time off policy, including how to request time off, how paid time off (PTO) is accrued and categorized, and when each person’s allotment expires. Also important: train employees sufficiently to make sure the job at hand is still able to be completed, even during a key employee’s absence.
For human resource guidance in keeping cool at your company, please contact Staff Leasing’s HR Department.